Dear Baby-Boumers,

MARK YOUR CALENDARS ! After a long and hopefully fantastic holiday season, it's finally time to get together in our charming home of Atelier 34zéro! We invite you to join us this Saturday, February 5, starting at 2:00 pm to do various activities and crafts on the theme The Four Seasons .
Toddlers from 18 to 36 months old will be able to play, meet each other and, above all, have fun! We will be happy to see you there and to discuss over a good cultural drink!

The price is 10 euros per person, to be paid in cash only.

Reservations required via :
+32 (0)2 428 33 06
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to seeing you there !




Dear friends,

We are now well into the year 2022 and we are all wondering how it will go. Atelier 34zéro Muzeum has the answer!
We are pleased to invite you to our traditional cultural drink this Sunday, February 6, 2022 around 7:00 pm. You will have the opportunity to discover our cultural program for this beautiful year 2022 around a Polish vodka and a good plate of mushrooms.

We hope to see you all there,

Amicably and culturally,

The team of the Atelier 34zéro Muzeum



On Monday, January 24th, around 7:30 pm, an aggression towards the Atelier 34zéro as well as towards contemporary art was committed. An unknown person took advantage of the night to damage and set fire to one of our vehicles. This is a gratuitous act of vandalism against Atelier 34zéro but also against the commune and its inhabitants.
We already accused, in October 2021, a similar degradation on one of our cultural covers. It is truly deplorable to see such a lack of cultural democracy in our society but also a lack of respect for the work of others in the contemporary arts.
These repeated attacks will not stop us however! The message of contemporary art will be even stronger 💪



The Atelier 34zéro is pleased to announce the return of its world cooking tasting sessions. We invite you to join us on January 22nd from 12:00 pm.
This first edition of 2022 will be dedicated to Polish sauerkraut, known as "bigos". Polish sauerkraut can’t be opposed to its Alsatian cousin. In our case, it attests to our interculturality and the interest we have in cabbage!
Two services will be offered : a first one at noon (12:00-3:00) and a second one in the evening (7:00-10:00), at the unique price of 22 € (drinks not included)
The dishes can be accompanied by Belgian catholic beers and Polish juices, beers and vodkas for an extra charge.

Reservations required via :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
0032. (0)2. 428. 33. 06

We look forward to see you there!